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Mw3 Player 2 Folder Download

카테고리 없음

by verdomisfest1972 2020. 2. 18. 07:15


I bought this game on disks, but for some stupid reason the game wanted me to download the game. So after driving 30 miles to a friends house who does not have limited bandwidth like i do, i downloaded the game that i already have on disk, otherwise it would have taken my entire months bandwidth do download a game i should not have had to download in the first place, not happy, why can't games go back like they were when they were fun, you BUY a DISK, install it, and play the game, IF you want to play multiplayer, then you can do so, but you did not need the internet to play Single Player.anyway. On to the issues., all that downloaded after 8 hours of downloading, was the Multiplayer, and the Stand Alone Server, neither of which i could care less about, as i ONLY play single player.

Mw3 Player 2 Folder Download

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Mw3 Download Pc

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